Space Natura: Hatha Yoga in Natura Pelayo

Espacio Natura: Hatha Yoga en Natura Pelayo
Espacio Natura: Hatha Yoga en Natura Pelayo
Espacio Natura: Hatha Yoga en Natura Pelayo
Espacio Natura: Hatha Yoga en Natura Pelayo
The second space event Natura took place on the ground floor Natura Pelayo (BCN), ideal place for yoga practice. A few days before we announced the activity of Hatha Yoga in our Instagram, for which we draw 15 places. It was a total success! Nina Manich She is a Yoga student and student. The yoga style that teaches is inspired by the Iyengar method. His classes are based on the correct alignment and body consciousness always with a conscious breathing and the overturning of the senses inwards. The class he taught in our Pelayo store was enlivened with live music by Víctor Lemus. We leave you some photos of the event. IMG_0629 IMG_0657 IMG_0690   Thank you very much to attend, we are waiting for you in the following event! Namaste.