Some day

Algún día
Algún día
Algún día
Algún día

Someday someone will listen to us.

And we will tell you that we were born in a puddle of dirty water. And that we walk naked under the black birds of the stercolero.

That we never cared too much the discomforts or suffering we had to habituate.

That we learned that being one or ten does not matter when it is known to be united.

That we have fallen many times to the ground and that, each of those times, the inexhaustible light of a new dream raised.

Because dreaming is our most open path to hope.

We dream red candies. White shoes and dressed in the color of the honey we see in the glass boats. Wind balloons rising to the blue sky.

We dream and know that our dreams tell us a truth.

They feed us on the way to come and do not allow us to faint. They push us forward.

The street we walk is hot under our feet. The horizon is a line of sun and small houses, to which we have put a name.

Each name, a color and each color, a name. From yellow to Babul. And green to Tanay.

And so we spend the day while we walk. Playing to unite half truths to form a single truth. Like a beautiful painting of form and light.

That nobody can take us away.

Because we are children. And our ability to love is as great as the need to accept everything we now lack and we don't have.

But someday someone will listen to us. And we will tell everything.

Slowly. Name in name. Color color.

So that I can understand us better. So that I can understand everything better.

And, if you have time, we will ask you to invent a name and imagine a color. We will tell you that we like to smile. And we will invite you to play.

Pepe Navarro