Ship breeders

Rompedores de barcos
Rompedores de barcos
Rompedores de barcos
Rompedores de barcos
The show of the ship's groundbreaking was imposing. It was something incredible to see those men facing the task of destroying, span of Palmo, the great ships that, st by the beach, seemed to challenge them from their enormous size. The ships, bought by the owners of the Drawing companies, in the markets of India or Singapore, came to die to the beaches of Chittagong, to the east of the country, after having sailed, for decades, by the oceans of the world. Bangladesh has no steel mines. And the destruction of ships and the subsequent foundry and transformation of its pieces, allows to supply the domestic market of metal products. The unscathed process of a large draft can be extended for seven months. It is very hard work that demands, above all, strength. Strength to drag - by the mangal that create the sand, water and oil - the large pieces of metal, to blows, to the structure. Strength to fragment them in smaller pieces, using a team as basic as insufficient. Force to load each piece, on shoulders and in groups, to the trucks that will transport it to the foundry. Strength not to surrender to the imperative need to continue and continue. Breaking and loading. Invoking Allah. Hugging the partner. Nourishing the omnipresent solidarity in the place. I felt respect and admiration for all those men. Older and young. All pushing in the direction of their destiny. Difficult and risky. Unable to complain about the hardness of their work and the precariousness with which they exercise it. Grateful for my presence. Smiling and conversationalists.
  • Do you think in Allah?
  • No I do not…
  • It does not matter. Welcome.
Pepe Navarro Write to the author: