
Los Niños Vendedores
Los Niños Vendedores
Los Niños Vendedores
Los Niños Vendedores

Seller children.

They should not be where they are.

We should not see where we see them.

They should not offer us the products that others order them to sell us.

We should not have to surprise ourselves for its presence among the crowd.

We should not have to ask ourselves why they are there and not in a school.

We should not have to feel sad to look at them and see what they look at.

We should not have to pity them.

We should not have to apologize for the damage that others cause them.

We should not feel responsible for having contributed, with our silence, to their need to continue doing what they do.

It is good to imagine them in other circumstances. Instead, surrounded by their people, doing things that children from other places do.

Concerned about their little concerns. And not because of the permanent need to subsist.

Remote, forever, from the sad need to sell.

Protected Care Dear.


Pepe Navarro