#Pasajeguro: Refugee Rights

#pasajeseguro: Derechos de los refugiados
#pasajeseguro: Derechos de los refugiados
#pasajeseguro: Derechos de los refugiados
#pasajeseguro: Derechos de los refugiados
Regarding the collaboration we have made this week with Proactiva Open Arms, and tomorrow's interstate call on refugee rights, we have thought it necessary to deal with the Syrian theme in today's post.

Let's start at the beginning, to understand well any conflict you have to go to the roots and the origin of the problem. As we do not want to make this a political discourse or a history treaty, we leave you a short and concrete video that explains everything perfectly.

As the video explains, there is no specific date of the beginning of the war in Syria, but we do know that since 2011 the violence began to shake the region to derive in the civil war that we know today. Where do we want to get with this?

Some time ago, since from Europe and the rest of the world there is evidence of an armed conflict of enormous size in Syria, one of the hardest and discouraging responses to the "why" of all this: it is interesting.

Words are unnecessary:



Once put in the background, and leaving the responsibility of governments, let's talk about what concerns us, people.

According to data from the International Organization for Migration (IIM), Until February 4, 74,676 people arrived in Europe, of which 374 lost their lives, 284 of them in the Aegean. To the severity of the situation the 10,000 refugee children in an unknown whereabouts.
Given this situation, the idea of ​​organizing a large world march was born in Portugal to demand solutions to governments from the organization CORAGEM available to refugees and imigrants. In Spain, the welcome refugee platform decided to join the great march in order to urge Spanish cities to mobilize next February 27 at 12 noon to make visible the wave of solidarity of citizens throughout the state territory.
We invite you to participate with us and spread it among all your loved ones (click on the image to access all the information).
Refugee rights  
Finally, we wanted to share with you a series of images of the project that the Chinese artist Ai Wei Wei is doing about the conflict of the refugees in lesbos.
A few weeks ago he covered the columns of the Konzerthaus of Berlin with lifeguard.
[captRefugee rights Refugee rights[/caption]
Refugee rights
Refugee rights
Refugee rights
We also leave you a series of links where you can find more information on this topic: