Natura & Saving The Amazon

Natura & Saving the Amazon
Natura & Saving the Amazon
Natura & Saving the Amazon
Natura & Saving the Amazon
We start writing this post with a huge smile. Because? Just because. Because we are very happy to tell you that we started collaborating with Saving The Amanzon. An NGO that fights against the climatic crisis through the preservation of the Amazon by planting native trees together with local indigenous communities of the tropical humid forest.
Natura collaborates with Saving The Amazon
But ... why the Amazon jungle? Because it is the largest tropical forest region on the planet and is of vital importance for life on Earth. It is the largest tropical forest on the planet, with around seven million km2. This great natural sanctuary:
  • He is in charge of regulating the rains throughout America. The Amazon is a great precursor of water, because the Amazon river and its tributaries supply more than 20% river discharge to the oceans. At the same time, vegetation acts as a engine of global atmospheric circulation.
  • It is the most biodiversity place in the world. It has an extensive jungle where the largest amount of biodiversity on the planet is located: 33% of animal and plant species on Earth.
  • It is the most important carbon sink in the world. 10% of the global stored carbon reserve.
  • It houses more than 350 indigenous communities. It is home to a large number of indigenous groups, owners of ancestral dialects who have been the guardians of the jungle for years and are the living example of how humans should live with our land.
Why do we collaborate in the Amazon jungle?
From Natura We started collaboration with the planting of 1,777 trees in the great indigenous protection of the Vaupés compensating the CO2 emissions that we generate as a company.
1,777 trees in the great indigenous sheprald of Vaupés