My buffala

Mi búfala
Mi búfala
Mi búfala
Mi búfala

My buffala is different from all others. But it's not mine, I'm just his friend.
She waits patiently, every morning, for the milking head to take her milk and that of the other buffals, to the market.
From that moment, I know I can spend all the time I want with her. No one prevents it.
Sometimes I feel by his side and contemplate her: it's beautiful, he has very large black eyes.
Some days those eyes seem sad to me, as if I wanted to see with them something that is far away and could not see.
Other times I like to throw myself on his bony back and, from that height, feel the heat of his body and the beat of life that runs inside. And look at the people who cross this place on the way to Ganges, our Sacred River.
My buffala never bothers my company. It is very strong but is always calm and never complains about anything.
It is a good animal, with a big heart and almost as intelligent as a person.
And I am lucky to meet her well and to accept me as her best friend.

- Pepe Navarro
Photo in Varanasi, India del Norte