Music is life I - Música y esfuerzo
Music is life I - Música y esfuerzo
Music is life I - Música y esfuerzo
Music is life I - Música y esfuerzo
The power of music is extraordinary. He has the ability to make us dream, to get us out when we are sad, to dismiss ourselves, to help us get what we have inside and make ourselves travel in time. He has the power to unite and move to adults and children. It helps us remember and imagine, since it stimulates brain and creativity. Music is able to cure and help people feel better. Music is the lives of many people. Music is life It is a series of interviews with people who dedicate their lives to music, and experience it from different fields and wealthy: effort, creativity, love, therapy ... Today we wanted to chat with Sara Fernández, solo dancer of the National Dance Company. Sara was born in Almería and began her ballet studies at the Royal Professional Dance Conservatory. In 2006 he graduated at the Royal Professional Conservatory of Danza Mariemma in Madrid and won the first and third prize in the Madrid Dance Marathon. In January 2007, he entered the CND2, under the artistic direction of Tony Fabre (included in the National Dance Company led by Nacho Duato), and in September 2010 he entered the National Dance Company. Since its incorporation into the company, it has interpreted main roles in works such as "Duende", "Gnawa" and "For you die" by Nacho Duato, "Carmen Replay" by Tony Fabre, "Carmen" by Johan Inger, "Gods and Dogs "And" Sleopress "by Jirí Kylián. Recently, in September 2018, it amounted to the category of soloist under the direction of José Carlos Martínez. >> Sara, if you were a song what would you be? Because? “Rocket Man, by Elton John. His chorus connects with the melancholy of being away from the home, he reminds me of the past with nostalgia ... for me it serves as a metaphorical criticism of what is involved in work and fame. " >> What does music suppose in your life? "Music is always there to accompany me when I need it. It can be able to transform my moods, any environment, send me back to memorable moments, connect with any place on the planet." >> What do you feel when you dance? "Dancing I have total freedom, it is my best means of expression. The body is so grateful that when you treat it with love, if you propose it, it is able to transport you anywhere, you just have to give wings to the imagination. Experting it is a true delight. " >> How do you think the world would be without music? "In my opinion I think that would not be possible, since we should be in a world without sound so that music did not exist. Even if all the people in the world were deaf and could not listen to music, despite that, they would achieve it Feel. If I think about a world without music, I imagine it very sad and boring, there would be no all those sensations, moments, memories, memories .... musical instruments would stop making sense, so all singers, Musicians, dancers and others would disappear. Neither the discos, the parties, the dance, the song, the karaokes, rockband, etc. " >> How do you imagine music in 20 years? "I imagine that music, like the rest of the arts, will evolve according to the cultural changes we have in language, relationships, technology ..." >> Spotify, CD, vinyl, cassette, live ...? Does the format matter? "Without a doubt we all know that the best format is the direct, that is when the body is wrapped with the magic of the moment, the vibration of the instruments, the voice ... Spotify would be the following for me, for comfort, but I would not leave Back the vinyl (although the toadiscos also influences). It is the most warm format that exists, from my humble opinion. In my house the vinyl is always present, my partner listens to it very often, is a musician. " And you, how do you live music? #GoodVibesNatura