Inside Natura: one day dedicated to others

Inside Natura: un día dedicado a los demás
Inside Natura: un día dedicado a los demás
Inside Natura: un día dedicado a los demás
Inside Natura: un día dedicado a los demás
During the first half of the year, Each worker of Natura has received an extra holiday to be able to dedicate it to volunteer. This is the Giving Day, an initiative that is born from the conviction that any day is good to help others and offer the best of us. The proposal was made to all employees with a single condition, dedicate the free day to support any type of project: social, educational, social, environmental ... We discovered that among our colleagues there were many people who already participated in solidarity works and were excited to devote more time; Others, we considered starting by contributing our grain of sand that day, and establishing a link that could be maintained over time. Luisa, from the Import Department, went to Barcelona Act, an NGO of social action that supports disadvantaged groups in Barcelona. There he provided until the last minute: in the morning, he cooked for 20 people in a social dining room in the Raval neighborhood; In the afternoon: he helped in administrative tasks such as the translation of texts and, finally, participated in the literacy program of immigrants and refugees, giving a class of Spanish. His conclusion was clear, With little we help a lot and change realities. It wasn't just a plate of food, it was sustenance for someone who has to survive another day on the street; It was not just a class of languages, it was the way some young people can feel more prepared in an unknown country ... Bacuinetes Two of the girls in the Communication Department, Alba and María, organized and went together to Roure Foundation, an entity that meets the basic needs of the elderly and families, providing them with tools to be as autonomous as possible. They dedicated themselves to helping in two great tasks: the social dining room and the solidarity store. His contribution seemed simple but it was very significant, something as easy as providing air and fresh ideas and four hands to serve food and collect tables. They had the opportunity to apply their experience in the retail sector, helping in the store with the placement of the product, thinking about new ways to communicate prices and offers ... but also to move shelves in the warehouse and comply with merchandise boxes. IMG-20180328-WA0003 Daniela, from the shop of stores, spent her day with Pallapupas (clowns for hospitalized children) helping them in the logistics of their "one day of nassos" event (A nose day). Daniela dedicated himself to receiving all the solidarity material necessary for the event, packaging and preparing it to be sold, feeling that in a single day he had managed to advance a lot of work. We loved his reflection at the end of volunteering: "We always think that what happens to us is the most important, the most difficult, and having the opportunity to collaborate with people who are really having a bad time made me think. I had my soul to know that what I was doing at that time later would take the smile to many children." IMG_2789 [1] Monica, of Human Resources, dedicated her day to collaborate with the Fundació Mambré, which works for the labor insertion of groups at risk of social exclusion. In his case, Mónica contributed her experience in personnel selection, and helped different people to train, through a drill, to overcome her work interviews. After spending the day at the Foundation, he extracted three great learning: (1) The human being has a huge ability to fight and start over again and again, in spite ; (3) That we must feel fortunate for the opportunities that are given to us, without deserving them more or less than others. Photo This is simply some examples of everything that can be achieved in just a working day. From Natura We encourage you to dedicate a small part of your time to those who need it most without waiting for us to ask us. Find a cause that motivates you, to which you think you can provide value and simply find yourself! You can make a big difference :)