He's my son

Es mi hijo
Es mi hijo
Es mi hijo
Es mi hijo
He's my son. And I would like to be able to offer you a better life than mine. That passes between the few hours of sleep and the many work. I get into taxi-bicycle at six in the morning. And I don't get off the night. I find it hard to leave my job because I always think there will be someone else who will need to take him home. Or that he will ask me to accompany him to the meeting of a friend. I always think about it before telling myself that I can no longer, that I am broken with tiredness and it is time to go to sleep. When I get home, my wife awaits me. But my son already sleeps. I can only see it in the morning, just after dawn, before returning to my work. I step just a few minutes with him, but it is enough to feel within me the value of his presence in my life. And I think: "If one day I will be the owner of my own taxi-bicycle ... Then I should not give the owner most of the money I win every day, as I do now. And, with the money saved, I could offer my son a good diet. And maybe I could help you get a better education than mine. And so, when the years go by, I should not apologize for not having been able to do more than I did. " But I know that this purpose is almost unattainable and that it only depends on the will of the gods. As I know I should not think much about it because all my energy must be concentrated in the strength of my legs. If I want to prevent the pattern from threatening to throw myself and deliver the taxi-bicycle to another. Because, if that came to happen, I would not know what to do food to my house and to protect my son's life.   Pepe Navarro Hyderabad, central India