Autumn Menu by Being Biotful

Menú de otoño por Being Biotiful
Menú de otoño por Being Biotiful
Menú de otoño por Being Biotiful
Menú de otoño por Being Biotiful
Portrait5   The person responsible for enjoying a delicious autumn menu is called Chloé Sucrée, but is better known as Being Biotful (@beingbiotiful). He trained as a specialized psychologist in the world of communication and has a master in branding and creative thinking. Although he opted more on the side of gastronomy (slow and organic) and photography. Here begins the Being Biotful movement, where it shares the Green Lifestyle Movement. Now he is dedicated to being a photographer, Food Stylist, Recipe Maker and write on your blog Being Biotful. He spends his days off the city where he lives, walking with his family and dogs near nature and creating recipes prepared with local and seasonal foods. Share your passion for real food, clean, without obsessions or rules. Real Food As local food, seasonal, fresh and prepared with care. He supports agriculture and ecological preservation. Try to live a life free of waste. It is for all its philosophy that we have decided to collaborate with it, we cannot identify more with its Lifestyle! You can also sign up for the tendency of healthy food, so we give you 3 recipes chosen with love for herself, all presented with the product of Natura Home.   16OCT29-NATURA-28-EDIT16OCT29-NATURE-09 16OCT29-NATURE-46 Download recipes here. Life is good!