A child in Nepal

Un niño en Nepal
Un niño en Nepal
Un niño en Nepal
Un niño en Nepal

"If you look at me, you don't need to look at everything I am not. Nor do you miss everything I don't have. Nor what you draw on your face a gesture of sadness or bitterness.

I know that maybe you think about everything I lack. Because the brightness of your things and that of mine is different.

I know that, between you and me, there is a long distance from differences. And I know that, from the goodness of your heart now, you would like to travel it in an instant.

But this moment is mine and it is yours. It is one of the two. And I prefer that you look at me while seeing in me what I am now. Here. With you.

I am a kid. Who looked at the door of his house to see you spend on your way to another place. And that he wants to take advantage of this moment to meet you. And to look in the eye. And to see you smile.

And, if you have time, I will tell you, with my eyes and my smile, my little truth.

This is:

I like looking at you.

I like you stop to look at me.

I really like to see you smile.

I would like you to let me take your hand.

I would like to play with you.

I would like you to tell me a story of people, animals and places that I do not know. And that, surely, I will never meet.

Because, later, you will go forever. And maybe you will remember me or maybe not. But I will continue here.

Arrimed to the road. And attached to hope. That, a new day, you, or someone like you, arrives to this almost lost place between fog and silence.

And want to stop to look at me and let himself look. Without haste or setback. For the pleasure of continuing to be who we are.

Now and always."

Pepe Navarro