Reading books in summer

Libros para leer en verano
Libros para leer en verano
Libros para leer en verano
Libros para leer en verano
Read, what great pleasure. We usually excuse ourselves in the lack of time to dedicate it to reading books in summer but in summer (if you are on vacation) there is no possible excuse. Few moments of the year give us so much time available to reading. And what a wonder when you have been stretched in a hammock for a long time, reading a book, you look at the clock and ... 1 hour that has flown! Recommending books is something dangerous since, or you know the person very well or you can shoot the cylinder head. We leave you the section of books that we have set up for you, for all of you. Books that talk about life, how we can relate more positively to people, food or the world. You can see our selection on the web or on any of our stores

Summer Books 2022

In addition, we will share the 5 books that are most sold in Natura. Thus it is not we who recommend books to read in summer but are our clients.

1. Emotional Intelligence

Each book of this series presents contrasted research that show how emotions intervene both in our personal and professional life. These books define the social skills that any professional must dominate. Do you already dominate them or do you still have a lot of work ahead? Mindfulness book

2. Ikigai. Japan's secrets for a long and happy life

Ikigai is a concept that has its origin in Japan and that is spreading worldwide by leaps and bounds. This concept is based on what makes a person feel motivated and made in his life. Its graphic representation is more similar to the petals of a flower. There are a number of statements focused on vital aspects of the individual: what you love, in what you are good, what can you make your life and what the world needs. You will find a multitude of tips to find what you have really come in in this life, to find your internal motivation when discovering your vital purpose and commit to what you have come to be useful to the world thanks to your gift and natural talents. Do you already have your Ikigai? Ikigai Book for Summer

3. The art of living simply

Zen's philosophy applied to daily life in 100 valuable practical lessons ... a small jewel that condenses centuries of wisdom. Keep this book by your side and, every time the concern assails you, turn to these pages Book the art of living with simplicity

4. Find your person vitamin

What better time than summer to find your person vitamin ... This book drives you to find vitamin people, those who get the best out of you, inspire you, support you and with it improve your immune system. How many people vitamin do you have in your life? Book Find your person vitamin  

5. Siddhartha

Siddharta is a novel set in traditional India in which you can get many messages from it. The practical message that it transmits is to be aware that life is a huge school, and that the opportunity is sometimes to choose how we live the little things of everyday life. What is the message you take? Siddharta book These are the 5 best books to read in summer, take advantage and get one of them before going on vacation.